Convergence of art and Photography
~1st theoretical object
~2nd destruction of the conditions of the aesthetic medium in a transformative operation
~3rd relationship between obsolescence and the redemptive possibilities enfolded within the outmoded itself.
Photography has moved past its identity as a historical or aesthetic object and now is a theoretical object introducing photoconceptual practice.
Examples: of "postmedium" or the reinventing of the medium
These photographers mix painting and photography indifferent ways to reinvent and bend lines

Is a Painter and Photographer, His painting started out as photographs now it was only natural that they became connected, to explore the demarcations between photography and painting and the perceptions of photographic truth.
Holly Roberts, Hard Ride III (2008)

Likes to bend the line between painting and photography, blending the two mediums creating new dialogue.


Robert Smithson
Cindy Sherman, Untitled film still #11

Lynn Geesaman, Parc de Sceaux, France (2004) [#4-04-16c-8]
Does not push the medium, but takes photographs to re-experience like paintings.
Artists from the readings

Dan Graham, created photoconceptual work, marrying written text to documentary- photographic illustrations

Sam Taylor Wood
Insightful links
Reinventing the Medium, Rosalind Krauss
Rolan Barthes, "The Third Meaning"
Fredric Jameson, Postmodernity
and Pastiche
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