Sunday, October 19, 2008

week eight

The Gaze

Scopophilia- the desire to look, which is a primary human instinct.An interesting response on Laura Mulvey's essay is Epidexiphilia, or, I'll show you Mine by David J Tremblay

The majority of "viewers" for the Reality TV series The Girls Next Door is women in their 20's and 30's, which is rather shocking. It appears to be a guilty pleasure for women to day, we have the desire to look just as much as men. 

Barbara DeGenevieve "Gordon #3" from the Panhandler Project 2004, her work explores the connection between power and sex, in the historical and inverse relation ship.

Bettie Page, till this day there is still a fascination with her, the way she "looks" at the viewer.

Barbara Kruger's work is still power full with today's audience. 

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