Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week Five

In a multimedia culture is photography enough? While television is a continuous stream of images that keep canceling the predecessor out. You can stay with and return to a photograph. How ever there are a lot of factors which play into the way you denote and connote an image.
Differs according to the way the text is presented.
Depends on the readers "Knowledge"
trick effect, pose, objects, photogenia, aestheticism, syntax
The uses/ reason behind why a photograph is created also plays in to how it is read. Travel photography  exist as a witness to the vacation that it really happened. Also for the middle class workaholic it creates the feeling of work while they are suppose to be relaxing. While war photography is created for a very different reason, it still caries with it the notion of a predator. For to photograph  people is to violate them, it turns them into objects. For what ever reason photographs are created they create a nostalgia, where it inform or shock the reader, but after repeat exposure dose it become less real, do we become numb?

Jeff Wall "Dead Troops Talk"

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